This board is a direct plug in replacement for the original OEM driver board
WPC Fliptronic I II for all WPC-89/WPC-DCS/WPC-S pinball machines
Used on all Bally/Midway and Williams pins from The Party Zone (August 1991) to Jack-Bot (October 1995)
- Easy plug and play installation in 10-15 minutes
- No other tools than a screwdriver is needed when installing the board.
- LED indicato indicator
- Four fuses on the board
- Improved MOSFET transistor technology, due to lower internal resistance of the transistors there is a bit more power at the flipper coil
- High Quality product from Homepin
The Adams Family, The Adams Family Gold and The Party Zone was the only boards who used the Fliptronic I board
Bally/Midway Black Rose 1992
Bally/Midway Corvette 1994
Bally/Midway Creature from the Black Lagoon 1992
Bally/Midway Doctor Who 1992
Bally/Midway Indianapolis 500 1995
Bally/Midaway Judge Dredd 1993
Bally/Midway Popeye Saves the Earth 1994
Bally/Midway The Adams Family 1992
Bally/Midway The Addams Family Gold 1994
Bally/Midway The Party Zone 1991
Bally/Midway The Shadow 1994
Bally/Midway Theatre of Magic 1995
Bally/Midway Twilight Zone 1993
Bally/Midway WHO Dunnit 1995
Bally/Midway World Cup Soccer 1994
Williams Demolition Man 1994
Williams Dirty Harry 1995
Williams Dracula 1993
Williams Fish Tales 1992
Williams FunHouse 1990
Williams Indiana Jones 1993
Williams Jack·Bot 1995
Williams Johnny Mnemonic 1995
Williams No Fear 1995
Williams Red & Ted’s Road Show 1994
Williams Star Trek: The Next Generation 1993
Williams The Flintstones 1994
Williams The Getaway II 1992
Williams White Water 1993